Tag Archives: Joel Carboni

Instituto Internacional por la Paz y el Desarrollo Sustentable

Estoy muy orgullosa de anunciarles el acuerdo entre GPM Global, la Universidad para la Cooperación Internacional, (UCI), la Aldea Verde Global (VGG) y la Comunidad de Río Grande, para el establecimiento del Instituto por la Paz y el Desarrollo Sustentable en Rio Grande, Costa Rica.

Webinar por el Dr. Joel Carboni: Transforming our world

Los invito a presenciar el Webinar dictado por el Dr. Joel Carboni, transmitido el día 11 de Febrero de 2016 en el marco de «Transforming our world».

El Dr. disertó sobre «Alcanzar la Agenda de Desarrollo Sostenible 2030 a través de la Dirección de Proyectos Estratégica»

Crear un Plan de Gestión de Sostenibilidad

Comparto con Uds el video del webinar dictado por Dr Joel Carboni, para GSPM Network:

Webinar: Creating a Sustainability Management Plan, tips for success.

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Date/Time: Wednesday, July 29th, 2015 // 17:00 – 20:00 hours (Costa Rica Time, GMT-6)

Speaker: Dr. Joel Carboni, PhD, IPMA Level B®, GPM®, PSM3™

Aligning Projects to the United Nations Global Compact and the Global Reporting Initiative: Monitoring the Impact of Project Processes and Products on People, the Planet, and ProfitabilityAligning Projects to the United Nations Global Compact and the Global Reporting Initiative: Monitoring the Impact of Project Processes and Products on People, the Planet, and Profitability

By Joel Carboni, GPM® IPMA-B®


Monica Gonzalez, GPM®, PMP®, MBA


Organizations are increasingly making project management a part of their day-to-day strategy, and projects contribute to organizational success, project management therefore should be linked to organizational strategy.

It was stated in the Project Management Institute’s (PMI’s) Pulse of the Profession Report that only 54% of organizations understand the value of project management. James Brown of DuPont Pioneer’s Project Management Office was quoted in the publication stating that “There are companies out there spending millions of dollars on projects and programs that leadership doesn’t know about. Project management brings consistent transparency and enables leadership to ask, ‘If this isn’t strategic, why are we doing it?’”


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El Plan de Acción Climática de EE.UU. del presidente Obama desde la perspectiva de un director de proyectoUS President Obama’s Climate Action Plan from a Project Manager’s Perspective

Les comparto esta discusión sobre este excelente artículo de Joel Carboni en LinkedIn sobre el discurso del presidente Obama y el Plan de Acción Climática de EEUU

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