Category Archives: GPM News
Cálida bienvenida al nuevo Partner de GPM en España
March 1st, 2021 – Detroit, USA, Valladolid, Spain, Buenos Aires, Argentina |
Scwuimac! Project Management became the new GPM Partner with focus in Spain. Scwuimac is Sustainable change/ Change the way you Work/ wake Up/ Improve your Management/ manage your Achievements/ activate your Challenges, and is integrated by enthusiastic and talent project managers with values and goals based in the sustainable growth. Part of this staff is proud to hold the GPM-b Certification! The Business Areas are: Sustainable Development and Circularity | Processes, Digitization and Industry 4.0 | Desarrollo Empresarial del I+D+innovation | Financing and Baseline Control.
Take a look the Press Release:
Ya está disponible! Version 2.0 de El Estándard P5 de GPM para la Sostenibilidad en la Gestión de Proyectos
Como co-autora, es un placer para mí anunciarles que ya está disponible la versión 2.0 de El Estándar P5 para la Sostenibilidad en la Gestión de Proyecto de GPM Global. Puedes descargarlo sin costo desde:
Instituto Internacional por la Paz y el Desarrollo Sustentable
Estoy muy orgullosa de anunciarles el acuerdo entre GPM Global, la Universidad para la Cooperación Internacional, (UCI), la Aldea Verde Global (VGG) y la Comunidad de Río Grande, para el establecimiento del Instituto por la Paz y el Desarrollo Sustentable en Rio Grande, Costa Rica.
Principios para cambios sustentables
Llamado a la acción
Llamado a la acción es un compromiso de las organizaciones a extender la sostenibilidad más allá de los proyectos. Todas las empresas están invitadas a sumarse a la petición. Al formar parte de Call to Action, las empresas se comprometen a fomentar el desarrollo sostenible a través de sus proyectos

GPM Expands in Colombia
November 26th, 2015 Detroit US, Buenos Aires AR, Cali CO | San Buenaventura Cali University includes GPM’s PRiSM Practitioner in their Masters of Project Management Program. Luis Fernando Cruz Caicedo appointed as Deputy Director for Colombia.
Luis Fernando Cruz Caicedo MBA PMP®, member contributor to the ISO 21500 (Guidance on project Management), and to the Technical Committee TC 258 for ISO 21504 (Project, programme and portfolio management — Guidance on portfolio management) and ISO 21505 (Project, programme and portfolio management — Guidance on governance) and with a long and exceptional professional trajectory, has been named as Deputy Director for Latin America with focus on Colombia.
Latin American Executive Director Monica Gonzalez stated «I have had the pleasure to integrate the ISO 21500 Iberoamerican Group ( with Luis Fernando. He has exceptional abilities, is a consumate professional and an overall great person. As a professor for Integrated Project Management Specialization has led, and advocated for, the San Buenaventura Cali University to become a GPM Partner joining to the Responsible Management Education Program. In a effort to integrate the GPM Sustainability Methodologies and Standards in Project Management.“

GPM Awarded 2013 International Project Management Association Achievement AwardGPM Awarded 2013 International Project Management Association Achievement Award
Fort Wayne/USA, Dubrovnik/Croatia – Founded in 1965, the International Project Management Association (IPMA®) is the World’s first project management association with over 55 Member Associations that develop project management competencies in their geographic areas of influence, interacting with thousands of practitioners and developing relationships with corporations, government agencies, universities and colleges, as well as training organizations and consulting companies.
2013 marked the first year for the achievement awards in three categories, Humanitarian Aid, Community Service/Development, and Project Manager of the Year. GPM’s “Applying Sustainability to Project Delivery” the initiative to develop the PRiSM Methodology, related training programs, UN development goal integration, and international registration took the bronze prize and marked the first time a United States based organization was awarded an IPMA® award.
“Our project’s goal was to establish an enhancement to existing project management methodologies using a framework for sustainability that delivers far more than business objectives, it creates a better tomorrow for all.» Stated GPM President Joel Carboni
“While planning the project we felt a strong sense of commitment for incorporating elements from the UN Global Compact’s «Ten Principles», the IPMA® ICB 3.0, as well as ISO standards and guidelines for sustainability. As we incorporated these important elements, we found Projects-integrating-
The project team consisted of Joel Carboni-USA, Monica Gonzalez-Argentina, Lorena Perdomo-Spain, Jeff Hodgkinson-USA, and David Simon-USA. Joel, Lorena, and Monica were on hand at the 27th IPMA World Congress in Dubrovnik, Croatia to receive the award.