Category Archives: Artículos

El gran impulsor del desarrollo sostenible: la energía renovable

Es bien sabido que la energía eléctrica es un servicio básico e indispensable para el desarrollo humano, incluido el empleo, la seguridad, la producción de alimentos, entre otros. Sin embargo, actualmente en el mundo hay 1, 6 mil millones de personas que no tienen acceso a la electricidad y más de 3 mil millones aún utilizan combustibles tales como madera, carbón u otra biomasa para cocinar y obtener calefacción, actividades que generan contaminación no sólo atmosférica, sino del aire en lugares cerrados un problema que causa alrededor de 4,3 millones de muertes todos los años. (Banco Mundial, 2017). 

Comprendiendo el Acuerdo de París

Mucho se ha escrito y dicho durante los últimos meses sobre el Acuerdo de París después de los anuncios que hizo Donald Trump durante su campaña hacia la presidencia de los Estados Unidos, e incluso después del 1 de junio, en su discurso pronunciado en el Jardín de Rosas de la Casa Blanca. Trump dijo que Estados Unidos se retiraría del Acuerdo de París, un acuerdo entre 196 países para reducir las emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero.

Para entender el Acuerdo de París, vamos a repasar algunos de los eventos históricos alrededor del Cambio Climático  (UNFCCC, s.f.).

Instituto Internacional por la Paz y el Desarrollo Sustentable

Estoy muy orgullosa de anunciarles el acuerdo entre GPM Global, la Universidad para la Cooperación Internacional, (UCI), la Aldea Verde Global (VGG) y la Comunidad de Río Grande, para el establecimiento del Instituto por la Paz y el Desarrollo Sustentable en Rio Grande, Costa Rica.

Commentary Articles: Sustainable Project Principles help with creating a bullyfree workplace

Estimados, quisiera compartir con uds mi artículo publicado en PM World Journal, Mayo 2016, que relaciona los principios de sostenibilidad en proyectos con los ambientes de trabajo libres de bulling:

After reading the impressive research paper titled Profit, Productivity & Peace – The Business Case for Eliminating Workplace Bullying (Pelletier, 2016), I felt motivated to analyze workplace bulling with regards to the Sustainable Project Principles (GPM Global, 2016)

First of all, let me introduce some concepts:

Bullying is a systematic campaign of interpersonal destruction that jeopardizes your health, your career, the job you once loved. Bullying is a non-physical, non-homicidal form of violence and, because it is violence and abusive, emotional harm frequently results.And the Workplace bullying as «repeated, health-harming mistreatment, verbal abuse, or conduct which is threatening, humiliating, intimidating, or sabotage that interferes with work, or some combination of the three». (WBI – Workplace Bullying Institute)

Descargar Artículo completo: Sustainable Principles and bully-free worplaces

Featured Paper «The Legacy: Project Management for peace» featured in PM World Journal

I am glad to share with you the March 2016 edition of the PM World Journal, which featured my research paper Project Management for Peace.

In words of Managing Editor David Pells:

(… ) Seven Featured Papers are included this month on a variety of interesting topics, including PM as a profession, project failure, constructability tools, PM in the public sector, and fuzzy logic-based leadership evaluation. Two papers are also included on topics of critical importance in developing economies, and perhaps to the world at large: the “PM Profession as a catalyst for economic development”, by Isaac Chaza in Zimbabwe and “PM for Peace” by Monica Gonzalez in Argentina. Please review these good contributions to the growing project management body of knowledge.

Read full editorial here

You can read the full paper here in

GPM Expands in Colombia

November 26th, 2015 Detroit US, Buenos Aires AR, Cali CO | San Buenaventura Cali University includes GPM’s PRiSM Practitioner in their Masters of Project Management Program. Luis Fernando Cruz Caicedo appointed as Deputy Director for Colombia.

Luis Fernando Cruz Caicedo MBA PMP®, member contributor to the ISO 21500 (Guidance on project Management), and to the Technical Committee TC 258 for ISO 21504 (Project, programme and portfolio management — Guidance on portfolio management) and ISO 21505 (Project, programme and portfolio management — Guidance on governance) and with a long and exceptional professional trajectory, has been named as Deputy Director for Latin America with focus on Colombia.

Latin American Executive Director Monica Gonzalez stated «I have had the pleasure to integrate the ISO 21500 Iberoamerican Group ( with Luis Fernando. He has exceptional abilities, is a consumate professional and an overall great person. As a professor for Integrated Project Management Specialization has led, and advocated  for, the San Buenaventura Cali University to become a GPM Partner joining to the Responsible Management Education Program.  In a effort to integrate the GPM Sustainability Methodologies and Standards in Project Management.“