Category Archives: Green Project Management

Recommendation Letter from Cristina Isenrath, Past Director of Intercultural Institute

This is the Recommendation Letter written by Cristina Isenrath, Past Director of Intercultural Institute,  for my GPM-M Certification. 7-12 Recommendation letter from Cristina Isenrath

Research Paper for the GPM-M Certification: Management of Chemical Containers for Social Good

FEATURED PAPER By Monica Gonzalez

Abstract The hazardous materials are defined as materials that represent a risk to human health, property, or the environment due to their physical or chemical characteristics. They differentiate from hazardous waste in the fact of it is any material unwanted and cannot be reused or is a spent chemical which must be disposed. In this work, the author focuses on chemical containers with traces of agrochemicals that come out of use of agricultural producers and how, with a proper management, processing and marketing can to be used to impact positively on the child health and nutrition, contributing in the fight against the child malnutrition. This paper studies the case of an agreement between governmental institutions focused on agriculture, a polyolefin (plastic) recycling company and three childcare non-governmental organizations. The management container scheme used includes cleaning with the triple rising method, classification as non-hazardous materials according to FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations), recycling into new product and selling into the secondary materials market, and applying the economic benefits directly to child health and nutrition. As a result, the author concludes, if this mechanism is replicated worldwide, organizations that adheres United Nations Global Compact can significantly contribute to achieving the 4th Millennium Development Goal, which calls for reducing by two thirds the under-five child mortality by 2015.

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Green Project Management, finalista en los premios IPMA al logroGPM Project, Finalist in the IPMA Achievement Award

Estoy muy orgullosa de anunciar que nuestro trabajo en GPM, «Aplicando prácticas sustentables a la gestión de proyectos » ha sido nombrado finalista en los premios IPMA Achivement Awards, en la categoría «Servicio a la comunidad / Proyecto de desarrollo 2013»

La decisión final de los jueces se llevar{a a cabo en la la gala de Premiación IPMA que tendrá lugar el 1 de Octubre de 2013, durante el 27° Congreso Mundial de IPMA, en Dubrovnik, Croacia.I am so proud to announce that our project in GPM Global, Applying Sustainable Principles to Project Delivery has reached the Status of Finalist in the IPMA Achievement Award; Category: Community Service/Development Project 2013.

The final decision of the judges will be held at IPMA Award Gala which takes place on 1 October 2013 at the 27th IPMA World Congress in Dubrovnik.

Próximo Webinar: Integradores de Sostenibilidad en la Dirección de ProyectosUpcoming Webinar: Integradores de Sostenibilidad en la Dirección de Proyectos

Por Mónica González,   19 Agosto-2013 10:00 am a 1:00 pm (GTM -03:00)

3 horas | Virtual Classroom

El presente curso tiene como finalidad lograr que todos los niveles de la Organización, especialmente los Directores de Proyectos a través de la adhesión a Estándares Internacionales y del compromiso a los Principios del Compacto Global de las Naciones Unidas Globales, como agentes de cambio, conozcan cómo Integrar Sostenibilidad en la Dirección de los Proyectos, Programas y Portafolios de las Organizaciones.


Location:  Virtual Classroom 

At the end of this workshop you will be able to:

  • Define what Sustainability in Project Management or «Green Project Management»is
  • Define P5, the five bottom lines of sustainability and project management
  • Define the differences between a green project and standard project management
  • Understand how to develop a sustainability management plan
  • Understand the sustainability integrators to knowledge areas and process groups.
  • Define the ISO Standards from a project management perspective including:
    • ISO 21500 Guidance on Project Management
    • ISO 50001 The Energy Management Standard
    • ISO 14001 The Environmental Management Standard
    • ISO 9001 Principles of Quality Management
    • ISO 26000 Guidance on Social Responsibility

Who Should Take This Course?

  • Project and Program Managers
  • Project Coordinators
  • Management Personnel
  • Business Analysts
  • CSR Directors and CSOs
  • Sustainability Coordinators


La Universidad para la Cooperación Internacional -UCI- de Costa Rica está de festejo!

Felicitaciones a Fabio Muñoz, Carolina Campos, Allan Valverde, Alvaro Leitón y Pedro Soto que lograron la Certificación GPM-b este fín de semana. Un verdadero record….
Los invito a leer su experiencia en la comunidad Hispana de GPM en Linkedin