Category Archives: Eventos

XI Congreso Nacional de Estudiantes de Ingeniería Ambiental – CONEIA Lima 2016
Entre los días 22 y 28 de Mayo participé con mucho agrado del XI Congreso Nacional de Estudiantes de Ingeniería Ambiental, en Lima Perú.
Crear un Plan de Gestión de Sostenibilidad
Comparto con Uds el video del webinar dictado por Dr Joel Carboni, para GSPM Network:

GPM Awarded 2013 International Project Management Association Achievement AwardGPM Awarded 2013 International Project Management Association Achievement Award
Fort Wayne/USA, Dubrovnik/Croatia – Founded in 1965, the International Project Management Association (IPMA®) is the World’s first project management association with over 55 Member Associations that develop project management competencies in their geographic areas of influence, interacting with thousands of practitioners and developing relationships with corporations, government agencies, universities and colleges, as well as training organizations and consulting companies.
2013 marked the first year for the achievement awards in three categories, Humanitarian Aid, Community Service/Development, and Project Manager of the Year. GPM’s “Applying Sustainability to Project Delivery” the initiative to develop the PRiSM Methodology, related training programs, UN development goal integration, and international registration took the bronze prize and marked the first time a United States based organization was awarded an IPMA® award.
“Our project’s goal was to establish an enhancement to existing project management methodologies using a framework for sustainability that delivers far more than business objectives, it creates a better tomorrow for all.» Stated GPM President Joel Carboni
“While planning the project we felt a strong sense of commitment for incorporating elements from the UN Global Compact’s «Ten Principles», the IPMA® ICB 3.0, as well as ISO standards and guidelines for sustainability. As we incorporated these important elements, we found Projects-integrating-
The project team consisted of Joel Carboni-USA, Monica Gonzalez-Argentina, Lorena Perdomo-Spain, Jeff Hodgkinson-USA, and David Simon-USA. Joel, Lorena, and Monica were on hand at the 27th IPMA World Congress in Dubrovnik, Croatia to receive the award.

Invitación a asistir al Simposio 2013 de Pacto Mundial de ONUInvitation to Attend UNGC Leaders Summit 2013
Quisiera compartir la invitación recibida para participar del Simposio del Pacto Global de las Naciones Unidas 2013, en representación de Green Project Management.
Por motivos de agenda no podré asistir, pero les informo de esta interesante iniciativa. De palabras del Secretario General Ban Ki-Moon,
“This September, chief executives from around the world will attend the UN Global Compact’s triennial Leaders Summit in New York.
There, we will unveil a new global architecture for the private sector on sustainability and outline a path for business to contribute to global priorities and the public good.
The Leaders Summit is a major opportunity to mobilize and expand the Global Compact network to act on all three pillars of sustainable development – social, economic and environmental. Let us work together to build momentum for the Leaders Summit so we can harness the power of business towards our world’s needs.”
Green Project Management, finalista en los premios IPMA al logroGPM Project, Finalist in the IPMA Achievement Award
Estoy muy orgullosa de anunciar que nuestro trabajo en GPM, «Aplicando prácticas sustentables a la gestión de proyectos » ha sido nombrado finalista en los premios IPMA Achivement Awards, en la categoría «Servicio a la comunidad / Proyecto de desarrollo 2013»
La decisión final de los jueces se llevar{a a cabo en la la gala de Premiación IPMA que tendrá lugar el 1 de Octubre de 2013, durante el 27° Congreso Mundial de IPMA, en Dubrovnik, Croacia.I am so proud to announce that our project in GPM Global, Applying Sustainable Principles to Project Delivery has reached the Status of Finalist in the IPMA Achievement Award; Category: Community Service/Development Project 2013.
The final decision of the judges will be held at IPMA Award Gala which takes place on 1 October 2013 at the 27th IPMA World Congress in Dubrovnik.