Category Archives: Artículos

Invitación a asistir al Simposio 2013 de Pacto Mundial de ONUInvitation to Attend UNGC Leaders Summit 2013


Quisiera compartir la invitación recibida para participar del Simposio del Pacto Global de las Naciones Unidas 2013, en representación de Green Project Management.

Por motivos de agenda no podré asistir, pero les informo de esta interesante iniciativa. De palabras del Secretario General Ban Ki-Moon,

“This September, chief executives from around the world will attend the UN Global Compact’s triennial Leaders Summit in New York.

There, we will unveil a new global architecture for the private sector on sustainability and outline a path for business to contribute to global priorities and the public good.

The Leaders Summit is a major opportunity to mobilize and expand the Global Compact network to act on all three pillars of sustainable development – social, economic and environmental. Let us work together to build momentum for the Leaders Summit so we can harness the power of business towards our world’s needs.”

Aligning Projects to the United Nations Global Compact and the Global Reporting Initiative: Monitoring the Impact of Project Processes and Products on People, the Planet, and ProfitabilityAligning Projects to the United Nations Global Compact and the Global Reporting Initiative: Monitoring the Impact of Project Processes and Products on People, the Planet, and Profitability

By Joel Carboni, GPM® IPMA-B®


Monica Gonzalez, GPM®, PMP®, MBA


Organizations are increasingly making project management a part of their day-to-day strategy, and projects contribute to organizational success, project management therefore should be linked to organizational strategy.

It was stated in the Project Management Institute’s (PMI’s) Pulse of the Profession Report that only 54% of organizations understand the value of project management. James Brown of DuPont Pioneer’s Project Management Office was quoted in the publication stating that “There are companies out there spending millions of dollars on projects and programs that leadership doesn’t know about. Project management brings consistent transparency and enables leadership to ask, ‘If this isn’t strategic, why are we doing it?’”


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Les comparto el artículo escrito para la revista Futuro Sustentable sobre la certifiación GPM futuro-sustentable-resumen

El Plan de Acción Climática de EE.UU. del presidente Obama desde la perspectiva de un director de proyectoUS President Obama’s Climate Action Plan from a Project Manager’s Perspective

Les comparto esta discusión sobre este excelente artículo de Joel Carboni en LinkedIn sobre el discurso del presidente Obama y el Plan de Acción Climática de EEUU

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Recomiendo su lectura! Blog de Sostenibilidad y Excelencia

Les comparto el Blog GRI 4.0 «GO FOR»… UN CAMINO COMÚN. En este artículo, Miguel Angel Moyano realiza un análisis sobre las implicancias de la nueva Guía GRI 4.0 , que mencionamos en anteriormente.

Día Mundial del medio Ambiente

MGO CONSULTANT se une a la campaña del Programa de Las Naciones Unidas para el Medio Ambiente: «Piensa. Aliméntante. Ahorra». Durante esta semana compartiremos con ustedes esta información para difundir este mensaje como parte del aporte de MGO CONSULTANT a la sociedad y para que juntos cuidemos al Planeta.