Tag Archives: PMIEF Liaison

Project Management para el bien social – Agosto 2012 PM for Social Good – August 2012

PM for Social GoodSM

Dear Monica,
Career advancement looks different to everyone. To some it’s about gaining recognition or earning profit. Others see career advancement as a means to broadening the impact of their work for their stakeholders. Career advancement could also mean taking on new responsibility or making the shift from working as a team member to a leader or manager.
Please keep reading to learn more about how one PMIEF scholarship is helping a nonprofit employee advance her career in a meaningful way.
Visit the «PMIEF Scholarships» section of the newsletter to learn more about available scholarships that can help you or someone you know use project management training to advance their own career.
Your friends at the PMI Educational Foundation 

PM for Social GoodSM

Dear Monica,
Career advancement looks different to everyone. To some it’s about gaining recognition or earning profit. Others see career advancement as a means to broadening the impact of their work for their stakeholders. Career advancement could also mean taking on new responsibility or making the shift from working as a team member to a leader or manager.
Please keep reading to learn more about how one PMIEF scholarship is helping a nonprofit employee advance her career in a meaningful way.
Visit the «PMIEF Scholarships» section of the newsletter to learn more about available scholarships that can help you or someone you know use project management training to advance their own career.
Your friends at the PMI Educational Foundation 

Agradecimiento por traducción de «How PM Can be Used In YOUR Nonprofit»

Quiero compartir con Uds el artículo de la Newsletters de Liaisons de PMI Educational Fundation, donde se menciona el trabajo que realicé como voluntaria, traduciendo al español la presentación «Cómo puede ser usada la dirección de proyectos en TU organización sin fines de lucro».

Esta presentación se suma a las ya 20 traducciones en 12 idiomas que componen la biblioteca de PMI Educational Fundation.Quiero compartir con Uds el artículo de la Newsletters de Liaisons de PMI Educational Fundation, donde se menciona el trabajo que realicé como voluntaria, traduciendo al español la presentación «Cómo puede ser usada la dirección de proyectos en TU organización sin fines de lucro».

Esta presentación se suma a las ya 20 traducciones en 12 idiomas que componen la biblioteca de PMI Educational Fundation.