Tag Archives: Joel Carboni

Reconocimiento de Joel Carboni

Monica is an incredible person. When you look up project manager in the dictionary, there should be a picture of Monica listed. Her work ethic is unmatched and her dedication to the discipline and the promotion of sustainable methods separates her from the crowd. I am a better person having had the opportunity to work with her and hope to for many more years.

Joel Carboni
GPM President, Advocate for Sustainability in Project Management

Universidad para la Cooperación Internacional ofrece PRiSMUniversidad para la Cooperación Internacional to offer PRiSM.

Fort Wayne, USA/ San Jose, Costa Rica – GPM®, el proveedor líder mundial de sostenibilidad basada en metodologías de gestión de proyectos, desarrollo profesional, y certificación anunció hoy que sus Cursos PRiSM (Projectos que integran Métodos Sostenibles) serán ofrecidos por UCI, la Primera Universidad de América Latina para la Gestión de Proyectos.

 Acerca del Curso

PRiSM ™ Practitioner imparte una metodología estructurada que integra la sostenibilidad con la gestión de proyectos mediante la combinación de las mejores prácticas de la ISO 9001 Norma de Gestión de Calidad, la ISO 14001 Norma de Gestión Ambiental, la ISO 50001 Norma de Gestión de Energía, la ISO 21500 Guía para la Dirección y Gestión de Proyectos y la ISO 26000 Guía sobre Responsabilidad Social con cuarenta y seis elementos para el desarrollo de competencias para la gestión de proyectos de IPMA® International Competence Baseline (ICB 3.0)

Fort Wayne, US San José, Costa Rica – GPM®, the world’s leading provider of sustainability based project management methodologies, professional development, and certification announced today that their PRiSM (Projects integrating Sustainable Methods) Courses will be offered by UCI, Latin America’s Premiere University for Project Management.

About the Course
PRiSM™ Practitioner imparts a structured methodology that integrates sustainability with project management by blending best practices from ISO 9001 The Quality Management Standard, ISO 14001 The Environmental Management Standard, ISO 50001 The Energy Management Standard, ISO 21500 Guidance on Project Management, and ISO 26000 Guidance on Social Responsibility with forty six elements for project management competency development from the IPMA® International Competence Baseline (ICB 3.0)

ATSolve, A Premiere Project Management Consultancy is partnering with GPM to offer PRiSM Training and Consultancy in Asia Pacific.

About PRiSM Training
PRiSM™ imparts a structured methodology that integrates sustainability with project management by blending best practices from ISO 9001 The Quality Management Standard, ISO 14001 The Environmental Management Standard, ISO 50001 The Energy Management Standard, ISO 21500 Guidance on Project Management, and ISO 26000 Guidance on Social Responsibility with forty six elements for project management competency development from the IPMA® International Competence Baseline (ICB 3.0)

The course, which is designed around the GPM® PRiSM methodology, uses the EnVex (hands on) learning approach to provide participants with a working blueprint that can be used as a reference on “how to apply sustainability to projects” when they return to work and the knowledge to earn the GPM-b certification. It is the only sustainability in project management course in the world that to gain acceptance into the IPMA® Registration System.

About ATSolve
ATSolve is a consulting organization that offers a wide array of services from contract management, training, and project management and is led by Alan Tupicoff ,who has over 35 years, in all aspects of building and construction within both private and public sector, served from from 2003 to 2011 as the National Director of the Australian Institute of Project Management (AIPM), and is a Fellow of the Australian Institute of Project Management.

Alan Tupicoff has also lectured in aspects of contract and project management within the Tertiary and Vocational Training sectors, and continues an active involvement in the Asia-Pacific Federation of Project Management (apfpm) and International Project Management Association (IPMA) – project management awards programs.”


Alan Tupicoff was quoted as stating “Sustainability is on everyone’s minds. From consumers who are looking for greener products, to stakeholders who demand leaner business processes to executives who want to ensure that their company has a healthy triple bottom line. The need for a practical approach to integrate sustainable methods with project management has never been greater and GPM’s PRiSM methodology is the answer. We are excited to be the organization to launch the GPM program in Australia and to assist in its growth throughout Asia- Pacific.:

GPM President Joel Carboni stated “We are excited to welcome Alan and ATSolve to the GPM family of partners. His vision for ATSolve and the impact that project management can have on the macro level is 100% in line with what we are focused on as an organization. Having him as part of our certification board and as a training/consulting partner in Australia and Asia Pacific is an immediate boost to our ability to promote global citizenship and sustainability in project management.”

About the GPM
Formed in 2009, GPM® is a global professional development organization dedicated to the advancement of the practical application of sustainable project management practices to decouple social and environmental degradation from economic growth. GPM® accredits professional training organizations and project management practitioners and is largely considered the solutions leader with their professional certifications and project delivery method PRiSM™. GPM® training is currently being offered in over 50 countries through training providers and Universities.

To learn more about GPM visit www.greenprojectmanagement.org

Oppidum to offer GPM’s PRiSM Training Programs in the Benelux Region and CaribbeanOppidum to offer GPM’s PRiSM Training Programs in the Benelux Region and Caribbean

Fort Wayne, US – GPM®, the world’s leading provider of sustainability based project management methodologies, professional development, and certification announced today that their PRiSM (Projects integrating Sustainable Methods) courses will be offered by Oppidum, one of Europe’s premiere project management training and consulting firms.

Fort Wayne, US – GPM®, the world’s leading provider of sustainability based project management methodologies, professional development, and certification announced today that their PRiSM (Projects integrating Sustainable Methods) courses will be offered by Oppidum, one of Europe’s premiere project management training and consulting firms.

Sostenibilidad: Aplicación Práctica en Gestión de Proyectos. Metodología y Herramientas para el éxito.Sustainability [Practical Application] in Project Management–The Method and Tools for Success

PMI Global Sustainability Community of Practice

Register Today for Upcoming Webinar!

Topic: “Sustainability [Practical Application] in Project Management–The Method and Tools for Success”

Presenter: Joel Carboni, President of GPM Global

14 January 2013 • 12:00 PM to 1:00 PM EST

PMI Global Sustainability Community of Practice

Register Today for Upcoming Webinar!

Topic: “Sustainability [Practical Application] in Project Management–The Method and Tools for Success”

Presenter: Joel Carboni, President of GPM Global

14 January 2013 • 12:00 PM to 1:00 PM EST

October 29th 2012 | Sustainability Leader Mónica González joins the GPM Leadership TeamOctober 29th 2012 | Sustainability Leader Mónica González joins the GPM Leadership Team

For Immediate Release

Fort Wayne-US/Menoza-AR– GPM, the world’s leading provider of sustainability based project management methodologies, professional development, and accreditation announced today that Mónica González has joined the Executive Consortium.

For Immediate Release

Fort Wayne-US/Menoza-AR– GPM, the world’s leading provider of sustainability based project management methodologies, professional development, and accreditation announced today that Mónica González has joined the Executive Consortium.