Category Archives: Responsabilidad Social

Conceptos de RSE en el discurso del Papa FranciscoConceptos de RSE en el discurso del Papa Francisco

Durante la misa de inauguración de su pontificado el Papa Francisco llamó a cuidar el medioambiente, a las personas, y a proteger a los eslabones más débiles de la sociedad, aspectos fundamentales de la Responsabilidad Social Empresaria. En sus propias palabras instó a los líderes que asistieron a la ceremonia a no dejar que «los signos de destrucción y muerte» guíen al mundo.

Volunteers Make a Difference Using PMI Educational Foundation Resources

De PMIToday, Edición Marzo 2013

Gracias a los voluntarios que con frecuencia donan su tiempo y talento para las actividades humanitarias, el impacto global de la gestión del proyecto toca las vidas de las personas de manera que puedan apreciar. Para apoyar su altruismo, el PMI Educational Foundation (PMIEF) ofrece recursos sin costo que promueven no sólo una comprensión de la gestión de proyectos, sino también la aplicación práctica de estos conocimientos. Varios voluntarios han compartido historias sobre cómo estos materiales tienen mejor les permitió ayudar a otros a ayudarse a sí mismos.

From PMIToday, March 2013

Thanks to volunteers who frequently donate their time and talent to humanitarian efforts, the global impact of project management touches people’s lives in ways they can appreciate. To support their altruism, the PMI Educational Foundation (PMIEF) makes no-cost resources available that promote not only an understanding of project management, but also the practical application of this knowledge. Several volunteers have shared stories about how these materials have better enabled them to help others help themselves.

PM Philanthropist: Enero 2013PM Philanthropist: January 2013

Empowering Success in Kenya Through Project Management

On a leave of absence from his job with Lockheed Martin Canada, Mark Dull, PMP, is spending two years as a volunteer in Kenya, Africa. He’s using his project management expertise to advance education and eliminate poverty.

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PM Philanthropist: Septiembre 2012PM Philanthropist: September 2012

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Teaching Project Management Can Change Lives

PM Philanthropist: Agosto 2012PM Philanthropist: August 2012

Building a Better Prepared Workforce in South Africa

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Project Management para el bien social – Agosto 2012 PM for Social Good – August 2012

PM for Social GoodSM

Dear Monica,
Career advancement looks different to everyone. To some it’s about gaining recognition or earning profit. Others see career advancement as a means to broadening the impact of their work for their stakeholders. Career advancement could also mean taking on new responsibility or making the shift from working as a team member to a leader or manager.
Please keep reading to learn more about how one PMIEF scholarship is helping a nonprofit employee advance her career in a meaningful way.
Visit the «PMIEF Scholarships» section of the newsletter to learn more about available scholarships that can help you or someone you know use project management training to advance their own career.
Your friends at the PMI Educational Foundation

PM for Social GoodSM

Dear Monica,
Career advancement looks different to everyone. To some it’s about gaining recognition or earning profit. Others see career advancement as a means to broadening the impact of their work for their stakeholders. Career advancement could also mean taking on new responsibility or making the shift from working as a team member to a leader or manager.
Please keep reading to learn more about how one PMIEF scholarship is helping a nonprofit employee advance her career in a meaningful way.
Visit the «PMIEF Scholarships» section of the newsletter to learn more about available scholarships that can help you or someone you know use project management training to advance their own career.
Your friends at the PMI Educational Foundation