Category Archives: Green Project Management
Curso «Desarrollo Sostenible de Proyectos» en la Escuela Internacional de Verano de la EAN (presencial)
Un placer para mí compartirles un poco de la experiencia en la Escuela Internacional de Verano de la Universidad EAN en ocasión del curso «Desarrollo Sostenible de Proyectos» durante el mes de junio.
Sustainable Project Management: The GPM Reference Guide ya está disponible en Buenos Aires, Argentina!
Como Co-autora del libro Sustainable Project Management:The GPM Reference Guide, es un placer anunciarles que ya está disponible en la Sede Regional de GPM Latin America, sita en Buenos Aires, Argentina!
Por consultas y adquisiciones me pueden contactar vía email a:

Sustainable Project Management: The GPM Reference Guide
Authors: Dr. Joel B. Carboni, William (Bill) Duncan, Monica Gonzalez, Peter S. Milsom, & Michael Young
Sustainable project management is a rapidly growing discipline. With changing expectations of consumers and investors and the emergence of the millennial generations, organizations are actively incorporating socially responsible and environmentally friendly practices into their operating model. The discipline of project management is also under intense need to not only deliver but to do so in a way that does not create undue impacts on society or the environment.
DAY/TIME: Wednesday, March 29th, 2017// 18:30 hours (Costa Rica Time, GMT-6). | |
DESCRIPTION: Leaders worldwide are encouraged to strike out in new directions and embrace a new sustainable business model, not only low-carbon and environmentally sustainable, but also capable of transforming poverty, inequality and other global challenges into new opportunities for smart and progressive companies. We are witnesses of a much greater pressure on business to prove itself a responsible social actor, creating good, properly paid jobs in its supply chains, factories and offices; abides by environmental and labor standards; respects the national politics and customs where it operates; integrates social and environmental factors in its investment decisions, meanwhile disruptive advances occur in technologies like artificial intelligence and automation. Sustainable portfolio, program and project management, a crucial link in the value chain of the companies, but also to adding value in the living systems, should be committed in the achievement of this “challenge-opportunity” transformation. Project managers have the potential to make unique contributions to the ongoing evolution of living systems by consciously participating in them. Sustainability, Sustainable Project Management, Regenerative Development must be core subjects for better businesses and a better world. |
EXPOSITOR: Mónica C. González Ortega, MBA, PMP, GPM-m Mónica González is an Industrial Engineer with a Master in Business Administration. She is Vice President & Executive Director for Latin America of Green Project Management (GPM Global). She has accumulated over 25 years of experience in Organizational Integrated Management Systems working in electricity generation companies, both in the public and private spheres. Mrs. González is an active promoter of the ISO Standards in Argentina. She is a leading contributor to the GPM PRiSM Methodology, co-author of The GPM® Reference Guide and The GPM Global P5 Standard for Sustainability in Project Management. She currently teaches the Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainable Development course in GSPM’s MPM program at UCI. |
Nuevo video de GPM: Driving Sustainable Business Change
Con los 17 Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible ahora firmemente establecidos, es hora de que el sector privado pase de enfocarse en el valor del accionista a la creación de valor para la sociedad en general.
Principios para cambios sustentables
Llamado a la acción
Llamado a la acción es un compromiso de las organizaciones a extender la sostenibilidad más allá de los proyectos. Todas las empresas están invitadas a sumarse a la petición. Al formar parte de Call to Action, las empresas se comprometen a fomentar el desarrollo sostenible a través de sus proyectos