Category Archives: Artículos
Conclusiones específicas de la Encuesta realizada en Argentina sobre el conocimiento de la Norma ISO 21500Conclusions of the survey performed in Argentina about the knowledge of ISO 21500
La representante del la iniciativa ISO 21500 en el Capítulo del PMI de Nuevo Cuyo (Argentina) Mónica Gónzalez, presenta un resumen pormenorizado de las conclusiones de la encuesta del Proyecto en este país.
Quiero compartir con mis amigos y colegas la inmensa satisfacción de integrar el Executive Consortium de Green Project Management
GPM President Joel Carboni was quoted as saying “We have very ambitious plans for the future and having Mónica, who is recognized as one of the driving forces for sustainability in project management, on board with the knowledge, experience, and wisdom that she brings, strengthens us, our offerings, and further expands our network into South America which is crucial to furthering the widespread adoption of sustainable project delivery.”
Mónica González was quoted as saying “It is a pleasure to be part of the GPM Leadership Team, collaborating with the commitment to help organizations from South America build skills that empower them to contribute to a healthy economy, but also to taking care of their environmental and social impacts.”
Established in 2009, GPM® is a global organization dedicated to the advancement of the practical application of sustainable project management practices to decouple environmental degradation and economic growth. GPM® accredits professional training organizations and project management practitioners and is largely considered the solutions leader with their professional development programs and project delivery method PRiSM™. GPM® training is currently being offered North America, Central America, Europe, the Middle East and Oceania through accredited training organizations.
Visit them online at
Quiero compartir con mis amigos y colegas la inmensa satisfacción de integrar el Executive Consortium de Green Project Management
GPM President Joel Carboni was quoted as saying “We have very ambitious plans for the future and having Mónica, who is recognized as one of the driving forces for sustainability in project management, on board with the knowledge, experience, and wisdom that she brings, strengthens us, our offerings, and further expands our network into South America which is crucial to furthering the widespread adoption of sustainable project delivery.”
Mónica González was quoted as saying “It is a pleasure to be part of the GPM Leadership Team, collaborating with the commitment to help organizations from South America build skills that empower them to contribute to a healthy economy, but also to taking care of their environmental and social impacts.”
Established in 2009, GPM® is a global organization dedicated to the advancement of the practical application of sustainable project management practices to decouple environmental degradation and economic growth. GPM® accredits professional training organizations and project management practitioners and is largely considered the solutions leader with their professional development programs and project delivery method PRiSM™. GPM® training is currently being offered North America, Central America, Europe, the Middle East and Oceania through accredited training organizations.
Visit them online at
Entrevista en Radio Nihuil
A continuación les acerco una entrevista que tuvo lugar en Radio Nihuil, donde conversé acerca del PMI Tour Cono Sur y la Dirección de Proyectos en general:
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Entrevista del 08 de Nov de 2010
Tema: PMI Tour Cono Sur y Dirección de Proyectos
Encuesta sobre la nueva Norma ISO 21500 – Guidance on Project Management
El objetivo de la presente encuesta es obtener las impresiones de los profesionales que tienen como responsabilidad, dirigir proyectos de cualquier índole y/o sector, sobre la nueva normativa “ISO 21500 para la Gerencia de Proyectos”, para posteriormente analizarlas y obtener conclusiones que se tendrán en cuenta en la elaboración de la “Guía de Implementación de esta normativa”, que actualmente elabora el grupo de análisis de la ISO 21500 formado por voluntarios de Capítulos de España y de America Latina del Project Management Institute y patrocinada por el Presidente del PMI-MSC.
Por favor completa la Encuesta sobre la nueva Norma ISO 21500
Atención: La fecha límite para recopilación y análisis de datos es el 15 de septiembre
Ing. Mónica C. González, MBA, PMP
Representante de Argentina – Comité de PMI América Latina

Desarrollo de una Guía de Ayuda para la Implementación de ISO 21500 – Guidance on project management
Antecedentes: En el año 2012 (31/8 según información en la página ISO) está prevista la publicación de la nueva norma ISO 21500 sobre la que se han creado importantes expectativas como elemento unificador de las diferentes metodologías y marcos de trabajo existentes en la actualidad en gestión de proyectos (PMI, PRINCE2, BS, DIN, etc..) y como impulsador de la profesión de dirección de proyectos (existió un precedente con la ISO 10006 pero no tuvo aceptación). Para ello se ha creado un Comité de Proyecto (ISO /TC 236 Project Management) en el que participan 33 países y 5 como observadores y en el que PMI tiene un papel relevante ocupando la secretaría del Comité.

United Nations launched the Sustainable Development Network
I want to share with my colleagues this news I found this morning at UN News Centre ( published 9 August 2012.
The initiative was announced by United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon. The Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN) will work with stakeholders including business, civil society, UN agencies and other international organizations to identify and share the best pathways to achieve sustainable development, according to a UN news release
The Solutions Network will be directed by Professor Jeffrey D. Sachs, director of the Earth Institute and Special Advisor to the UN Secretary General on the Millennium Development Goals, and will operate in close coordination with the High level Panel of Eminent Persons on the Post 2015 Development Agenda announced by the UN last week.