Category Archives: Artículos

Lise Kingo, nueva Líder de Pacto Global de Naciones Unidas

A partir del 1° de Septiembre de 2015 Lise Kingo asume como Directora Ejecutiva de Pacto Global de Naciones Unidas, sucediendo a Georg Kell que estuvo estos quince años al mando de la iniciativa.

Su primer acción ha sido una comunicación a todos los miembros de Pacto Globlal, que reproduzco a continuación:

Dear Ing. Gonzalez,

A great honour

It is a great pleasure to write to you for the first time in my new role as Executive Director of the United Nations Global Compact. Having started the position today, I first wanted to reach out to you – our valued signatories – to introduce myself and let you know how honoured and thrilled I am to be leading this dynamic global initiative.

Carta Encíclica sobre el cuidado de la casa común. Papa Francisco

Quisiera invitarlos a leer la Carta Encíclica Laudato Si’ Del Santo Padre Francisco sobre el cuidado De la Casa Común


Recomiendo a mis colegas la lectura del documento, con especial atención al párrafo 207, que menciona la Carta de la Tierra.

207. La Carta de la Tierra nos invitaba a todos a dejar atrás una etapa de autodestrucción y a comenzar de nuevo, pero todavía no hemos desarrollado una conciencia universal que lo haga posible. Por eso me atrevo a proponer nuevamente aquel precioso desafío: «Como nunca antes en la historia, el destino común nos hace un llamado a buscar un nuevo comienzo […] Que el nuestro sea un tiempo que se recuerde por el despertar de una nueva reverencia ante la vida; por la firme resolución de alcanzar la sostenibilidad; por el aceleramiento en la lucha por la justicia y la paz y por la alegre celebración de la vida»

Comentario de Manuel Álvarez Cervantes sobre GPM.

Quisiera compartir con Uds esta reflexión de uno de mis estudiantes Manuel Álvarez Cervantes, de la Dirección General de Gestión y Mejora Continua del Banco Nacional de Costa Rica, luego de haber finalizado el curso PRiSM Practitioner y logrado la Certificación GPM-b! 

Con más de 15 años en la práctica de la Administración de Proyectos, he podido comprobar cómo en nuestros tiempos, es cada vez  más necesaria e importante la aplicación mesurada y consciente para la toma de decisiones, de una guía metodológica sistémica y adaptable, que puede ser breve y simple o compleja.

Tal vez este convencimiento llega por la actitud positiva que cada persona toma para realizar bien su trabajo o desempeñar de la mejor forma su profesión. Es claro, y creo que la mayoría de los lectores coincidirán, que el elemento de la “madurez”, está presente, siendo un activo capitalizable a través de los años, y que nos impulsa a realizar actividades en procura del mejoramiento personal, familiar y comunitario, pero también de nuestro país.

Research Paper «Management of Chemical Containers for Social Good» in PM World Journal

I wish to share with you this paper that was published in the PM World Journal  – Volume III, Issue 7;  and in the PM World Library (

Green Project Management – A Case Study in Sustainability – Management of Chemical Containers for Social Good: Child Health and Nutrition By Monica Gonzalez (Argentina)

Research Paper for the GPM-M Certification: Management of Chemical Containers for Social Good

FEATURED PAPER By Monica Gonzalez

Abstract The hazardous materials are defined as materials that represent a risk to human health, property, or the environment due to their physical or chemical characteristics. They differentiate from hazardous waste in the fact of it is any material unwanted and cannot be reused or is a spent chemical which must be disposed. In this work, the author focuses on chemical containers with traces of agrochemicals that come out of use of agricultural producers and how, with a proper management, processing and marketing can to be used to impact positively on the child health and nutrition, contributing in the fight against the child malnutrition. This paper studies the case of an agreement between governmental institutions focused on agriculture, a polyolefin (plastic) recycling company and three childcare non-governmental organizations. The management container scheme used includes cleaning with the triple rising method, classification as non-hazardous materials according to FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations), recycling into new product and selling into the secondary materials market, and applying the economic benefits directly to child health and nutrition. As a result, the author concludes, if this mechanism is replicated worldwide, organizations that adheres United Nations Global Compact can significantly contribute to achieving the 4th Millennium Development Goal, which calls for reducing by two thirds the under-five child mortality by 2015.

Featured Paper: Advancing Human Rights in Supply Chains through Community Engagement and Investment

I wish to share with you this paper that was published in the March 2014 edition of PM World Journal

Advancing Human Rights in Supply Chains through Community Engagement and Investment

FEATURED PAPER By Monica Gonzalez


Due to the importance and transcendence of this subject I felt extremely motivated to deliver this presentation in this IPMA 27° Congress of Project Management. As project, program and portfolio managers, we cannot be indifferent, quite the contrary be sensible, receptive and take an active role, that is, be change agents for a better world with inclusive growth, social equity and progress, between other goals. According to “A Good Practice Note” prepared for the United Nations Global Compact Human Rights Working Group, longstanding concerns about poor social and environmental conditions in companies’ supply chains, along with heightened public scrutiny of business behavior, have led to rising expectations that companies should seek more effective ways to improve their suppliers’ environmental, social and governance (“ESG”) practices. Moreover, a combination of national and local regulations, international covenants, frameworks, and various declarations, has made clear that there is a corporate responsibility to respect human rights