GPM Expands in Colombia

November 26th, 2015 Detroit US, Buenos Aires AR, Cali CO | San Buenaventura Cali University includes GPM’s PRiSM Practitioner in their Masters of Project Management Program. Luis Fernando Cruz Caicedo appointed as Deputy Director for Colombia.
Luis Fernando Cruz Caicedo MBA PMP®, member contributor to the ISO 21500 (Guidance on project Management), and to the Technical Committee TC 258 for ISO 21504 (Project, programme and portfolio management — Guidance on portfolio management) and ISO 21505 (Project, programme and portfolio management — Guidance on governance) and with a long and exceptional professional trajectory, has been named as Deputy Director for Latin America with focus on Colombia.
Latin American Executive Director Monica Gonzalez stated «I have had the pleasure to integrate the ISO 21500 Iberoamerican Group ( with Luis Fernando. He has exceptional abilities, is a consumate professional and an overall great person. As a professor for Integrated Project Management Specialization has led, and advocated for, the San Buenaventura Cali University to become a GPM Partner joining to the Responsible Management Education Program. In a effort to integrate the GPM Sustainability Methodologies and Standards in Project Management.“
Luis Fernando Cruz Caicedo stated “It is an honor and I am very excited to work with such a prestigious organization as GPM Global. GPM’s principles are relevant and support social and environmental needs and their sustainability models and methodologies will prove critical for sustainable development in a country like Colombia. I hope to exceed expectations in organizing networks and communities of practice in the region, and contribute to their efforts in evolving the best practices of sustainable project management”.
University of San Buenaventura is a Higher Education institution that affirms its identity in the confluence of three substantial dimensions: its University being, its Catholic being, and its Franciscan being.
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