Webinar: Creating a Sustainability Management Plan, tips for success.

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Date/Time: Wednesday, July 29th, 2015 // 17:00 – 20:00 hours (Costa Rica Time, GMT-6)

Speaker: Dr. Joel Carboni, PhD, IPMA Level B®, GPM®, PSM3™

Dr. Carboni is a leading figure on sustainability in project management. He holds a Ph.D. in Sustainable Development and Environment, and has over 18 years’ experience in portfolio, program and project management for government, banking, legal, and big five consulting. Joel is a regular speaker at project management symposiums, congresses and conferences all over the globe. He is the President of asapm (IPMA-USA) and the founder of GPM Global (Green Project Management). He is also the GPM representative to the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC), a founding signatory of the UN’s Business for Peace Initiative, and one of only 14 listed supporting organizers of the UN Principles for Responsible Management Education Program (PRME).
Dr. Carboni is the architect of the PRiSM™ project delivery methodology, P5 Standard for Sustainability in Project Management and co-architect of the PSM3™ Organizational Sustainability Model. He has authored training programs on Green and Sustainable Project Management that are currently offered in over 145 countries through professional training providers, business associations, and universities in six languages.

Description: Sustainability is, more than ever, a key concept in today’s complex world. From this presentation you will learn about the purpose of, and how to develop, the project sustainability management plan.

Participation on this presentation is free of charge.


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