Category Archives: Sostenibilidad

Día Mundial del medio Ambiente

MGO CONSULTANT se une a la campaña del Programa de Las Naciones Unidas para el Medio Ambiente: «Piensa. Aliméntante. Ahorra». Durante esta semana compartiremos con ustedes esta información para difundir este mensaje como parte del aporte de MGO CONSULTANT a la sociedad y para que juntos cuidemos al Planeta.

Los Problemas de Sostenibilidad necesitan Green Project Management.Sustainability Problems Need Green Project Management

Tengo que felicitar a Jeff Hodgkinson! Entrevista muy interesante y clara sobre por qué continuar nuestro desarrollo profesional y por qué las certificaciones GPM ® (GPM-b, GPM-p y GPM-M) son los tres niveles de especialización de Gestión de Proyectos.
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Listen to internet radio with HolisticPMC on BlogTalkRadio

I have to congratulate Jeff Hodgkinson! Very interesting and clear interview regarding why to continue our professional development and why GPM® Certifications (GPM-b, GPM-p and GPM-M) are the three levels of Green Project Management specialization.
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Listen to internet radio with HolisticPMC on BlogTalkRadio

GPM-b Certification | Certified Green Project Manager Level b GPM-b Certification | Certified Green Project Manager Level b

The Certified Green Project Manager-b (GPM-b) is our foundational knowledge based certification that embodies the commitment of a project management professional to act as an agent of change to manage and direct efforts to maximize sustainability within the project life cycle, improve the construct and delivery of goods and services produced as a project deliverable, and thoroughly considering and accounting for environmental impacts in the project management roles assigned using measurable standards. Green Project Manager (GPM-b) certification is the first project management credential for individuals demonstrating knowledge in delivering projects using sustainable methods.
The Green Project Manager (GPM-b) certification is awarded to project managers who have successfully met the criteria for knowledge in project management and sustainability.The Certified Green Project Manager-b (GPM-b) is our foundational knowledge based certification that embodies the commitment of a project management professional to act as an agent of change to manage and direct efforts to maximize sustainability within the project life cycle, improve the construct and delivery of goods and services produced as a project deliverable, and thoroughly considering and accounting for environmental impacts in the project management roles assigned using measurable standards. Green Project Manager (GPM-b) certification is the first project management credential for individuals demonstrating knowledge in delivering projects using sustainable methods.

The Green Project Manager (GPM-b) certification is awarded to project managers who have successfully met the criteria for knowledge in project management and sustainability.

Upcoming Webinar: PRiSM Integrations – US eLearning January 21stUpcoming Webinar: PRiSM Integrations – US eLearning January 21st

Build a foundational understanding of how sustainabilty integrates with project management | 3 PDUs/CEUs

If you are an experienced Project Manager and want to gain an understanding of how to integrate sustainable methods into your delivery, this is the workshop for you!

Project objectives must align with the strategy of the organization or company. By understanding the sustainability integrators to project processes you will be able to better align your organization’s CSR goals with product and service delivery.Build a foundational understanding of how sustainabilty integrates with project management | 3 PDUs/CEUs

If you are an experienced Project Manager and want to gain an understanding of how to integrate sustainable methods into your delivery, this is the workshop for you!

Project objectives must align with the strategy of the organization or company. By understanding the sustainability integrators to project processes you will be able to better align your organization’s CSR goals with product and service delivery.


United Nations launched the Sustainable Development Network

I want to share with my colleagues this news I found this morning at UN News Centre ( published 9 August 2012.

UN launches sustainable development network to help find solutions to global problems
The initiative was announced by United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon. The Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN) will work with stakeholders including business, civil society, UN agencies and other international organizations to identify and share the best pathways to achieve sustainable development, according to a UN news release

The Solutions Network will be directed by Professor Jeffrey D. Sachs, director of the Earth Institute and Special Advisor to the UN Secretary General on the Millennium Development Goals, and will operate in close coordination with the High level Panel of Eminent Persons on the Post 2015 Development Agenda announced by the UN last week.

 I extremely recommend to read “Realizing the Future We Want For All”  

Global Sustainability Community Meets PMI Southern Italy Chapter

PMI Project Management Global Sustainability Community of Practice Knowledge Management Leader Paola Morgese, PE, PMP, and Marketing Service Leader Monica Gonzalez, met with the PMI Southern Italy Chapter (PMI-SIC) during a January seminar themed “Sustainability and project management – Sustainable projects,” at the Department of Structural Engineering of the University of Napoles Federico II.