Category Archives: Sostenibilidad

Recommendation Letter from Mohamed Khalifa, Community Council Manager PMI Global Sustainability CoP, for the GPM-m Certification

I have worked with Eng. Mónica González at PMI Global Sustainability virtual Community of Practice during the period 2010 to 2012 as Community manager. Myself and other council leaders believe that Mrs. Monica Gonzalez has a very good understanding of the Global Sustainability for our planet and people and the role that GPM Organization, for te attainment of this critical imperative.

Recommendation from Mohamed Khalifa Community Council Manager PMI Global Sustainability CoP

Monica is one of the best professionals that I ever seen in my professional life, Monica working with me in PMI Global Sustainability CoP as Marketing lead and she is very committed , enthuse , passion and teamwork player.
It is excellent experience working with Monica and I highly recommend her

Mohamed Khalifa
Portfolio, Program and Project Management Consultant, Coach, Speaker & Trainer

Recomendación de Carlos Lara, Socio Gerente de Baresi SRL, Argentina

Quisiera compartir con Uds la recomendación de Carlos Lara, socio en Baresi SA:

Monica ha sido la Responsable de Sistema Integrado de Gestión en Baresi SRL desde hace mas de 9 años. Durante este tiempo la actitud de Monica ha sido siempre proactica impulsando nuestro sistema de gestión hacia la mejora continua. Ha sabido llevar perfectamente toda la parte documental de nuestro sistema y también ha dictado capacitaciones en distintos a nuestro personal de planta para que se pueda sostener el sistema por si mismo y poder seguir progresando. Si bien Monica trabajo siempre como una consultora externa en nuestra empresa ella siempre supo ponerse la camiseta de nuestra empresa y llego a ser parte de nuestra familia. Es una excelente profesional y una mejor persona y me da mucho gusto haber podido trabajar con ella durante estos años y espero que siga con nosotros por un largo tiempo mas

Carlos Lara, Socio en Baresi S.R.L

Recommendation Letter from Cristina Isenrath, Past Director of Intercultural Institute

This is the Recommendation Letter written by Cristina Isenrath, Past Director of Intercultural Institute,  for my GPM-M Certification. 7-12 Recommendation letter from Cristina Isenrath

Research Paper for the GPM-M Certification: Management of Chemical Containers for Social Good

FEATURED PAPER By Monica Gonzalez

Abstract The hazardous materials are defined as materials that represent a risk to human health, property, or the environment due to their physical or chemical characteristics. They differentiate from hazardous waste in the fact of it is any material unwanted and cannot be reused or is a spent chemical which must be disposed. In this work, the author focuses on chemical containers with traces of agrochemicals that come out of use of agricultural producers and how, with a proper management, processing and marketing can to be used to impact positively on the child health and nutrition, contributing in the fight against the child malnutrition. This paper studies the case of an agreement between governmental institutions focused on agriculture, a polyolefin (plastic) recycling company and three childcare non-governmental organizations. The management container scheme used includes cleaning with the triple rising method, classification as non-hazardous materials according to FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations), recycling into new product and selling into the secondary materials market, and applying the economic benefits directly to child health and nutrition. As a result, the author concludes, if this mechanism is replicated worldwide, organizations that adheres United Nations Global Compact can significantly contribute to achieving the 4th Millennium Development Goal, which calls for reducing by two thirds the under-five child mortality by 2015.

El Plan de Acción Climática de EE.UU. del presidente Obama desde la perspectiva de un director de proyectoUS President Obama’s Climate Action Plan from a Project Manager’s Perspective

Les comparto esta discusión sobre este excelente artículo de Joel Carboni en LinkedIn sobre el discurso del presidente Obama y el Plan de Acción Climática de EEUU

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