Category Archives: Reconocimientos

Reconocimiento de Jeffrey G. HodgkinsonAcknowledgment of Jeffrey G. Hodgkinson

Monica is a role model professional project manager and I am very grateful to have her as a peer and colleague as a GPM (Green Project Management) certification assessor representing South America. GPM Assessors are highly qualified project management practitioners with specific experience with green and sustainability program and projects. High recommend …

Jeffrey G. Hodgkinson
Program Manager | Residential Energy Consultant | GPM & IPMA Lead Assessor volunteer

Monica is a role model professional project manager and I am very grateful to have her as a peer and colleague as a GPM (Green Project Management) certification assessor representing South America. GPM Assessors are highly qualified project management practitioners with specific experience with green and sustainability program and projects. High recommend …

Jeffrey G. Hodgkinson
Program Manager | Residential Energy Consultant | GPM & IPMA Lead Assessor volunteer

Reconocimiento de Roberto Toledo, miembro del Board of Directors de PMI Educational FoundationAcknowledgment of Roberto Toledo, a member of the Board of Directors of PMI Educational Foundation

“It is with great pleasure that I fully recommend Monica’s work with the PMI Educational Foundation. His passion, dedication and enthusiasm to support in a planned and structured way the development and outreach of the Foundation in the Nuevo Cuyo region have been incredible. With the help of Monica’s talented work the foundation has evolved in a very favorable way and his care for every detail has helped us succeed in helping others benefit from the Project Management Education.”

Roberto Toledo
Director de PMI Educational Foundation

“It is with great pleasure that I fully recommend Monica’s work with the PMI Educational Foundation. His passion, dedication and enthusiasm to support in a planned and structured way the development and outreach of the Foundation in the Nuevo Cuyo region have been incredible. With the help of Monica’s talented work the foundation has evolved in a very favorable way and his care for every detail has helped us succeed in helping others benefit from the Project Management Education.”

Roberto Toledo
Member of the Board of Directors, PMI Educational Foundation

Reconocimiento de Cristian Soto

Muchas gracias se nota que estas haciendo un trabajo muy valioso, segun una apreciacion propia Argentina es el país que más fuerte está participando de toda Sudamérica, particularmente los aportes a la traducción al español son excelentes y bastante trabajados

Cristian Soto
Coordinador del Comité de América Latina
Desarrollo de la Guía para la implementación de la ISO 21500

Repercusiones de la Leadership Planning Communities of Practice Meeting in San Diego, California 20-23 june

Palabras de Keneth Asbury,CoP Member Advisory Group, a quien conocí en California durante la Leadership Planning Communities of Practice Meeting in San Diego California.

On behalf of the CoP MAG, PMI staff, and our facilitators – a heart-felt THANK YOU for your participation in the 2012 Leadership Institute Communities of Practice Planning Meeting!

As Henry Ford once stated:
«Coming together is a beginning. 
Keeping together is progress. 
Working together is success.»

Recomendaciones LinkedInLinkedin Recommendations

Recopilación de las recomendaciones recibidas en Linked In

Miembro del Concejo de la Comunidad de Sustentabilidad Global de PMI

“Mónica ha sido una profesional de excelencia en desarrollos que hemos compartido. Espíritu eficaz para gestionar la Comunidad de Sustentabilidad Global. Para mi ha significado el nexo con PMI y sus bondades como grupo y organización. Es una persona con objetivos claros, emprendedora, capaz, estudiosa. Posee la gran virtud de mantener la humildad y compartir sus conocimientos sin retaceo.” 14 de febrero de 2012

2º Yolanda LozaConsultora, Profesional independiente

ha trabajado directamente con Mónica en PMI.

“I appreciated Monica’s skills since we started our collaboration as Council Leaders of the PMI Project Management Global Sustainability Community of Practice. Some words to describe her: enthusiasm, passion, initiative, networking, listening, feedback, timeliness, resilience, positivity. It’s a pleasure to work with her.” 9 de febrero de 2012

2º Paola Morgese, PMPKnowledge management leader, Project Management Institute

ha trabajado directamente con Mónica en PMI.

Responsable de Publicaciones y Comunicaciones PMI Nuevo Cuyo Chapter Branch Mendoza Project Management Institute Inc

“Conoci a Monica en Mayo 2008 cuando era voluntaria en el equipo a cargo de desarrollar la comunidad profesional de Direccion de Proyectos. Desde esa fecha hasta Noviembre 2011 he tenido la oportunidad de conocer directamente sus cualidades profesionales y personales. Monica ha liderado con mucho exito los proyectos asignados en su chapter, mostrando un alto nivel de calidad, analisis y afan de logro para cumplir y exceder lo encargado. Gran parte del exito de la comunidad de Direccion de Proyectos en Nuevo Cuyo, es producto de su esfuerzo y perseverancia. Un logro importante que quiero destacar es que asumio el reto de la VP de comunicaciones y ha logrado contribuir a la integracion de la comunidad. Recuerdo mucho cuando en Buenos Aires me comento con mucha conviccion que iba a certificarse como PMP. Ella ya logro la prestigiosa certificacion PMP y estoy seguro que seguira logrando exitos profesionales.

En estos años he sido testigo de su excepcional calidad personal, que me ha permitido desarrollar una amistad que me liga a la hermosa provincia de Mendoza.” 17 de enero de 2012

2º Victor Manuel Villar DiazRegion 13 South Latin America Component Mentor, PMI

ha supervisado a Mónica indirectamente en Project Management Institute Inc.

“Destaco en Mónica su dedicación y profesionalismo a la hora de emprender cualquier tipo de proyecto. Es una mujer emprendedora que alienta y apoya las iniciativas de todos los miembros a la hora de trabajar en equipo. Es un placer para mí trabajar y compartir experiencias junto a Mónica.” 13 de enero de 2012

1º Lorena LemosOperaciones, PMI Nuevo Cuyo Argentina Chapter

ha trabajado directamente con Mónica en Project Management Institute Inc.

Responsable Sistema Integrado de Gestión Baresi S.R.L

“Monica was a natural born leader and one of most influential persons with whom I ever had the honor to share as volunteer at PMI. Insightful in her comments, always ready to help us, deeply involved in PMI activities, and always with this broad, warm smile that is her trademark, she was a person who had a significatively positive impact in all of us who had the pleasure to be her fellow worker. Her intelligence and insight were remarkable, and her working ethics simply outstanding.” 9 de abril de 2010

1º Mario SoruliDirector, SICTEC

estaba con otra empresa cuando trabajó con Mónica en Baresi S.R.L.

Using the newsletter module to drive engagement – SustainabilityUsando el módulo de Newsletter para impulsar la participación – Sostenibilidad.

Recibí el siguiente reconocimiento de Lesella Owens cuando fui recomendada para compartir algunos tips sobre «Using the newsletter module to drive engagement» en la «2012 Leadership Meeting Institute CoP Planning Meeting»:

Hi Monica,

You have been recommended to quickly share some tipswith a small rotational group at each station, and then allow those groups to add quick thoughts to build up the topic. The sessions are timed, and when the time is up, the next group rotates in and the conversation begins again. Another individual captures questions or ideas raised by the rotation group.

Please let me know if you would be able to speak on the following topics listed below and have Paola record the question or ideas from the session?

· Using the newsletter module to drive engagement – Sustainability

From Lesella Owens:

Hi Monica,

You have been recommended to quickly share some tipswith a small rotational group at each station, and then allow those groups to add quick thoughts to build up the topic. The sessions are timed, and when the time is up, the next group rotates in and the conversation begins again. Another individual captures questions or ideas raised by the rotation group.

Please let me know if you would be able to speak on the following topics listed below and have Paola record the question or ideas from the session?

· Using the newsletter module to drive engagement – Sustainability