Category Archives: Green Project Management

Nuevo eBook! La Guía de Referencia GPM® para la Sostenibilidad en la Dirección de ProyectosNew eBook! The GPM® Reference Guide to Sustainability in Project Management
La Nueva Guía de Referencia de GPM® para la Sostenibilidad en la Dirección de Pryectos está disponible también en Español a partir del 29 de Febrero en
The GPM® Reference Guide to Sustainability in Project Management
Availible to GPM Subscribers now and to the public on February 4th en
Sostenibilidad en Dirección de Proyectos. Capacitación Corporativa y CertificaciónSustainability in Project Management Corporate Training and Accreditation
La Alianza en Sostenibilidad de MGO consultoría de Dirección de Proyectos y GPM, con el objeto de hacer evolucionar la disciplina de dirección de proyectos para permitir a las organizaciones mejorar la entrega exitosa de sus productos y servicios sin comprometer la capacidad de las futuras generaciones de satisfacer sus propias necesidades.MGO’s Sustainability in Project Management consultancy is in partnership with GPM with the goal of evolving the discipline of project management to enable organizations to improve their successful delivery of products and services without com-promising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs
Quiero compartir con mis amigos y colegas la inmensa satisfacción de integrar el Executive Consortium de Green Project Management
GPM President Joel Carboni was quoted as saying “We have very ambitious plans for the future and having Mónica, who is recognized as one of the driving forces for sustainability in project management, on board with the knowledge, experience, and wisdom that she brings, strengthens us, our offerings, and further expands our network into South America which is crucial to furthering the widespread adoption of sustainable project delivery.”
Mónica González was quoted as saying “It is a pleasure to be part of the GPM Leadership Team, collaborating with the commitment to help organizations from South America build skills that empower them to contribute to a healthy economy, but also to taking care of their environmental and social impacts.”
Established in 2009, GPM® is a global organization dedicated to the advancement of the practical application of sustainable project management practices to decouple environmental degradation and economic growth. GPM® accredits professional training organizations and project management practitioners and is largely considered the solutions leader with their professional development programs and project delivery method PRiSM™. GPM® training is currently being offered North America, Central America, Europe, the Middle East and Oceania through accredited training organizations.
Visit them online at
Quiero compartir con mis amigos y colegas la inmensa satisfacción de integrar el Executive Consortium de Green Project Management
GPM President Joel Carboni was quoted as saying “We have very ambitious plans for the future and having Mónica, who is recognized as one of the driving forces for sustainability in project management, on board with the knowledge, experience, and wisdom that she brings, strengthens us, our offerings, and further expands our network into South America which is crucial to furthering the widespread adoption of sustainable project delivery.”
Mónica González was quoted as saying “It is a pleasure to be part of the GPM Leadership Team, collaborating with the commitment to help organizations from South America build skills that empower them to contribute to a healthy economy, but also to taking care of their environmental and social impacts.”
Established in 2009, GPM® is a global organization dedicated to the advancement of the practical application of sustainable project management practices to decouple environmental degradation and economic growth. GPM® accredits professional training organizations and project management practitioners and is largely considered the solutions leader with their professional development programs and project delivery method PRiSM™. GPM® training is currently being offered North America, Central America, Europe, the Middle East and Oceania through accredited training organizations.
Visit them online at