Category Archives: Artículos
PMI Nuevo Cuyo adhiere al Año Internacional de la Energía Sostenible para Todos.
PMI Nuevo Cuyo reconociendo la importancia de la Sostenibilidad Global se adhiere al Año Internacional de la Energía Sostenible para Todos.

El Secretario General Ban Ki-moon en la ceremonia de apertura del World Future Energy Summit 2012 en Abu Dhabi, Emiratos Árabes Unidos. UN Photo/Evan Schneider

Introducing PMI Global Sustainability Community of Practice in PMI Southern Italy Chapter
Last summer I had a pleasure to visit Nápoles (Italy) and participate along with Paola Morgese, the Community Knowledge Management Leader in the seminar “Sustainability and project management – Sustainable projects”.
Project Management Global Sustainability: Un tema candente en Dallas
Como marketing service leader del concejo de administración de PM Global Sustainability, una de las 36 Comunidades Virtuales de PMI, con más de 4000 subscriptos de al menos 95 países, tuve la gran satisfacción de participar activamente en la Leadership Institute Meeting (LIM) en Dallas, Texas, junto a mis colegas Mohamed Khalifa Hassan, PMP,PgMP,PMI-SP,PMI-RMP, community council manager (Egipto), Paola Morgese PE, PMP, knowledge management leader (Italia) y Kwadwo Bediako, MS, MBA, delivery service leader (Ghana). Conoce más sobre este equipo de voluntarios de alrededor del mundo.
Revisión de la ISO/DIS 21500 de Gestión de proyectos
El Capítulo PMI Nuevo Cuyo participó durante todo su proceso de revisión en Argentina.
Desde marzo de este año, Mónica Cecilia González, MBA, PMP, en representación de PMINC, integra el Subcomité Trabajo Gestión de Proyecto ISO/TC 236 en las reuniones mensuales de Revisión de la ISO/DIS 21500 organizadas por IRAM Buenos Aires.
El grupo de revisión de Argentina fue más allá realizando la traducción del texto a Español.
Compartimos con Uds. el último Acta de la Reunión (de agosto), en el que se informa que se acuerda el envío del texto traducido al COPANT (Comisión Panamericana de Normas Técnicas).
Esto posiciona muy bien al Capítulo PMI Nuevo, no sólo en la Argentina, sino también en la Región y a nivel Global, demás está decir también en PMI dado que PMI e ISO mantienen una estrecha relación a través de MOUs (memorandums of understanding) oportunamente firmados. Desde marzo de este año, Mónica Cecilia González, MBA, PMP, en representación de PMINC, integra el Subcomité Trabajo Gestión de Proyecto ISO/TC 236 en las reuniones mensuales de Revisión de la ISO/DIS 21500 organizadas por IRAM Buenos Aires.
Más Información: Acta 08-2011 Gestion de Proyectos (ISO – TC 236)
Sucedió en Washington del 7 al 9 de Octubre

Saludando a Greg Balestrero, CEO y Presidente de PMI, y a Chavonne Hoyle, responsable máxima de marketing de PMI
Team Building al pie de Los Andes, Mendoza Argentina.Team building closed to Los Andes Mountain. Mendoza Argentina
On the occasion of the Argentinean stage of IV Project Management Latin American Tour 2008, an enthusiastic group of volunteers of PMI® Buenos Aires Chapter Branch Mendoza (i.f.) organized a one-dayTeamBuilding activity, preceding to the main conferences event carried out past 10th November.
The site chosen wasMendozaRiver’s rapids close toLosAndesMountain. The very same river had been employed for the 2008 Rafting Pan-American Championship.
At an impressive and massive mountain-like landscape, in exciting turbulent rapids brave participants did river rafting and rappel, having previously received expert recommendations, as well as appropriate high risk sports equipment. Dr. Roberto Bataller was the coach of this great team.
It was an excellent team building journey, full of communication, coordination and cooperation between participants. This allowed them to develop and empower skills to work in project teams.
On the occasion of the Argentinean stage of IV Project Management Latin American Tour 2008, an enthusiastic group of volunteers of PMI® Buenos Aires Chapter Branch Mendoza (i.f.) organized a one-dayTeamBuilding activity, preceding to the main conferences event carried out past 10th November.
The site chosen wasMendozaRiver’s rapids close toLosAndesMountain. The very same river had been employed for the 2008 Rafting Pan-American Championship.
At an impressive and massive mountain-like landscape, in exciting turbulent rapids brave participants did river rafting and rappel, having previously received expert recommendations, as well as appropriate high risk sports equipment. Dr. Roberto Bataller was the coach of this great team.
It was an excellent team building journey, full of communication, coordination and cooperation between participants. This allowed them to develop and empower skills to work in project teams.
Local PMI volunteers hosted, special guests from PMI®USA,Peru andUruguay. Among them: Martin VanDerSchouw (USA) Chair of board ERVI 2008; Victor Villar (Peru) Mentor of Region 13 Latin America Cono Sur and Mario Pípolo (Uruguay) President of PMI® Montevideo Chapter.
At an impressive and massive mountain-like landscape, in exciting turbulent rapids brave participants did river rafting and rappel, having previously received expert recommendations, as well as appropriate high risk sports equipment. Dr. Roberto Bataller was the coach of this great team.
It was an excellent team building journey, full of communication, coordination and cooperation between participants. This allowed them to develop and empower skills to work in project teams.
The result was Member’s Integration:
- To PMIBA Branch Mendoza (i.f.) community,
- To PMI® Buenos Aires Chapter community,
- To PMI® Región 13 Latin America, Cono Sur community,
- At last, to PMI® Global Community.
The journey down Mendoza river lasted more than one hour and finished very successfully in the sense that each member was grateful of having contributed, through its roll and talent, to the benefit of shared team objectives.