Category Archives: Artículos

Los Problemas de Sostenibilidad necesitan Green Project Management.Sustainability Problems Need Green Project Management

Tengo que felicitar a Jeff Hodgkinson! Entrevista muy interesante y clara sobre por qué continuar nuestro desarrollo profesional y por qué las certificaciones GPM ® (GPM-b, GPM-p y GPM-M) son los tres niveles de especialización de Gestión de Proyectos.
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I have to congratulate Jeff Hodgkinson! Very interesting and clear interview regarding why to continue our professional development and why GPM® Certifications (GPM-b, GPM-p and GPM-M) are the three levels of Green Project Management specialization.
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Listen to internet radio with HolisticPMC on BlogTalkRadio

Introduction to PM: What’s So Great About Project Management?Introduction to PM: What’s So Great About Project Management?

Are you curious to know What Project Management is directly from Gregory Balestrero? I strongly encourage you to watch this wonderful video. The simplest words I have never listened before to explain the discipline of Project Management.

I confess that I felt a great joy when I saw my favorite photo of my first PMI Global Congress (Washington DC, 2010) shaking hands with Greg Balestrero».

(Clic to view the video)

Are you curious to know What Project Management is directly from Gregory Balestrero? I strongly encourage you to listen to this wonderful video. The simplest words I have never listened before to explain the discipline of Project Management

I confess that I felt a great joy when I saw my favorite photo of my first PMI Global Congress (Washington DC) shaking hands with Greg Balestrero».

(Clic to view the video)

Palabras de Agradecimiento del Presidente de PMI Nuevo Cuyo ArgentinaWords of gratitude from the President of PMI Nuevo Cuyo Argentina

Estimada Ing. Monica Gonzalez

Como presidente y representante de este grupo de voluntarios que forman a PMI Nuevo Cuyo queríamos agradecer tu aporte y participación en nuestra última reunión de Miembro el día 11 de abril pasado.

Tu exposición fue una clara expresión de tu compromiso y  vocación de integrar la dirección de proyectos con métodos de maximicen la sustentabilidad.

Dear Monica Gonzalez

As president and representative of this group of volunteers who are PMI Nuevo Cuyo wanted to thank you for your support and participation in our last member meeting on 11 April.
Your presentation was a clear expression of your commitment and dedication to integrate project management with methods maximize sustainability.

Reseña del libro: La guía de referencia GPM para la Sostenibilidad en la Dirección de ProyectosGPM Reference Guide to Sustainability in Project Management Review

Por David M. Simon, PMP

Mi Evaluación General

Al reconocer la posición aterradora en que nos encontramos en los tiempos modernos rodeados de inferior calidad de mano de obra, procesos, productos, etc, a menudo buscamos un mecanismo por el cual poder enderezar nuestros errores de las acciones en el pasado.

Cuando observamos desde el punto de vista de la dirección de proyectos podemos ver que nuestros esfuerzos han contribuido a este gran trampa en el mundo actual donde el lema es «barato barato barato», y la reducción de costos es el mecanismo.

By David M. Simon, PMP

In recognizing the frightening position we find ourselves in modern day times surrounded by inferior quality of workmanship, process, products, and etc. we often look for a mechanism by which we can right our wrongs from actions past.

When we take a look from a project management standpoint we can see our efforts have contributed to this very pitfall in today’s world where “cheap cheap cheap” is the motto, and cutting cost is the mechanism.

Why Become a Certified Green Project Manager® (GPM®)Why Become a Certified Green Project Manager® (GPM®)

When in early 2010 I got engaged with the PMI Global Sustainability Community of Practice, it was because I had a clear understanding of the Sustainability´s criticality as a global imperative to change values of all elements of society. In fact, for PMI the Global Sustainability is the attainment of enduring economic, social and environmental well-being of all elements of society.

When in early 2010 I got engaged with the PMI Global Sustainability Community of Practice, it was because I had a clear understanding of the Sustainability´s criticality as a global imperative to change values of all elements of society. In fact, for PMI the Global Sustainability is the attainment of enduring economic, social and environmental well-being of all elements of society.

MGO Consultant es ahora Miembro Pleno de IRAMMGO Consultant is now an IRAM full member

Qué es IRAM?

IRAM – Instituto Argentino de Normalización y Certificación – es una asociación civil sin fines de lucro, que fue fundada en el año 1935 por representantes de los diversos sectores de la economía, del gobierno, y de las instituciones científico- técnicas. Los impulsaba el interés de que nuestro país contara con una institución técnica, independiente y representativa, una organización idónea para desarrollar las normas que requería una nación en pleno crecimiento.I have good news!  MGO Consultant is now an IRAM Full Member.

IRAM is the only Argentine representative before the regional organizations of normalization AMN – Association MERCOSUR of Normalization and COPANT – Pan-American Commission of Practical standardses, and before international organizations ISO – International Organization for Standardization – and IEC – International Electrontechnical Comission – in this case altogether with AEA – Electrotechnic Association Argentina -. IRAM leads the national technical committees that analyze documents in study, canalizes the national proposals, fixes the position of Argentina before these organisms and is present in the conduction of several  international  technical committees.