Commentary Articles: Sustainable Project Principles help with creating a bullyfree workplace

Estimados, quisiera compartir con uds mi artículo publicado en PM World Journal, Mayo 2016, que relaciona los principios de sostenibilidad en proyectos con los ambientes de trabajo libres de bulling:

After reading the impressive research paper titled Profit, Productivity & Peace – The Business Case for Eliminating Workplace Bullying (Pelletier, 2016), I felt motivated to analyze workplace bulling with regards to the Sustainable Project Principles (GPM Global, 2016)

First of all, let me introduce some concepts:

Bullying is a systematic campaign of interpersonal destruction that jeopardizes your health, your career, the job you once loved. Bullying is a non-physical, non-homicidal form of violence and, because it is violence and abusive, emotional harm frequently results.And the Workplace bullying as «repeated, health-harming mistreatment, verbal abuse, or conduct which is threatening, humiliating, intimidating, or sabotage that interferes with work, or some combination of the three». (WBI – Workplace Bullying Institute)

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